Passion Ignites!

I love books. I love writing books. I love reading books. Where did all that passion come from? I’m happy to tell you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Fifty years ago, when I was five years old, I began dislocating my right hip. Not on purpose, mind you, just by walking, or turning, or playing soccer (which is why I hate soccer). Fortunately, I learned to read when I was 4. This becomes relevant later.

After a year of doctors, I got a diagnosis. And crutches. And a “he’ll never walk again” admonition. This did nothing for my social life. Six-year-old kids were about playing. I couldn’t, so my friendships went on hold.

Fifty years ago, there was no Internet, no video games, four TV channels, no VCR or DVDs. The only thing to do was read and read I did. I read the grade school library that first year. The second year, I worked on the Jr. High library, and the 3rd year the public library. Books were my only friends and I was never lonely. That and inexperienced doctors who didn’t know much about my bone disease. The first doctor was wrong. My right leg healed in 14 months. Then my left leg got it but after 3 years I could walk again!

Spider-Man leaning on concrete brick while reading book
I love comic books, too!ย  (Thank you, Raj Eiamworakul from UpSplash!)

Funny thing, though. After three years of reading way above grade, playing was dull. So was school. Books never got dull.

That’s why I love books.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about my writing journeys, and eventually how Prevail Press, a home for today’s writers, came about. Stay tuned, er… place a bookmark! Yeah, that fits the metaphor better…

6 thoughts on “Passion Ignites!”

  1. Love this Rob. Grateful we are also friends! So glad youโ€™re doing this challenge, made me
    Smile when I scrolled and saw your post. Of course, I had to comment!


  2. Wow – isn’t it wonderful how God provides ways to handle all our circumstances. Books and reading are a passion for me also… looking forward to reading more about your journey!


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